Friday 28 March 2014

Jog on

I mentioned in my last post that I've recently starting jogging following the Couch to 5km programme. I'm going to be honest with you health and fitness have never really been my forte. Eating and drinking definitely, but exercise- naaah. I was a sporadic gym user and would occasionally take my mum's dog for a walk but that was about the height of it. Add in a strong addiction to junk food and a serious sweet tooth, over time my weight gradually crept up. I struggled to walk up a flight of stairs without getting out of breath.

However as New Year's Day 2014 passed in a haze of hungover boking and depression, I decided instead of making a list of ten impossible resolutions that would only last a fortnight I would make two general resolutions that would make the biggest difference to my life. The first was to take control of my finance (that really has not happened yet). The second was to lead a more active lifestyle.

I knew I really couldn't afford to join the gym and thought maybe I'd just start going for walks on my day off. Then I was chatting to a very good friend of mine Laura who is planning on running the Wellington marathon this May. She spoke about how running has really become an important part of her life and how much better she feels for it. A quick Google search brought up the Couch to 5km programme. A training programme for complete beginners which is endorsed by the NHS. The idea is that after nine weeks of varying intervals you will be able to run for 5km (approximately 3 miles) or for half an hour without stopping.

Easy peasy I thought to myself, how hard can that be? Very, is the answer. Very, very hard. The first week called for running for 1 minute without stopping that nearly killed. As the weeks went on the intervals of running got longer but I stuck to it and I am now about to finish week 4 which consists of running for five minutes. Now I have to admit I took a couple of weeks when I was working nights and became completely nocturnal. What can I say, the thought of going out for a run around Belfast at 3am didn't really appeal! I then repeated week three since I had such a long break but am now back on track.

I have to say I have loved it. Not so much the actual jogging but the idea that I am pushing myself to become fitter. I am not plannig on running any marathons or becoming a body builder but the fact I am doing something that is increasing my heart rate three times a week can only be a good thing.

The thing I have enjoyed most is finding new places to run. I tend to go to Drumglass Park mostly as it is closest to me. However I discovered Lady Dixon Park, a huge space with lots of different trails and paths to explore. I also enjoy the occasional run along the Lagan Tow Path.

I plan on posting about my training each week just for a wee change from my usual posts. If anyone out there is doing the C25k let me know we can be each others sponsors. Or if there's anyone out there who is  dedicated runner hit me up with tips!

The only advice I can give to someone starting out is to just do it. The old me would have put off starting running until I had the proper training and nice, new running outfits. But the first time I went out I just stuck on some old jogging botttoms and stuck my iPod in my bra. No excuses, just do it.

Here's to a healthy year!

S xx

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