Monday 24 March 2014

Bad Blogger

Yes I admit it, I have been such a bad blogger the last time I posted was November! That is just ridiculous I am very ashamed.

Do I have any excuse for this atrocious behaviour?! Um not really to be honest. In fairness there were a couple of months there I wasn't really very happy, no real cause I was just extremely down I didn't really have any motivation to do anything. Also I subscribed to Netflix and that takes up a lot of my spare time. But I have picked myself and realised I really missed blogging. I don't know if anyone even reads this but I enjoy having a vaguely creative outlet in my life. My job is quite stressful and it can be a lot of responsibility sometimes so I need something completely different to do on my days off..

There have been some changes in my life. I moved out in December to a gorgeous apartment in South Belfast with a friend. That could be another reason why I haven't blogged much, I spend all my money on rent and food so haven't have any new beauty items to write about. I plan to do a little house tour post for you all soon so stay tuned.

I have also taken up jogging following the Couch to 5km plan and surprisingly I am actually enjoying it. Since turning 25 I'd been having a good hard look at my life and I've realised I am the fattest and most unfit I ever been and something needed to change. Hence starting jogging. I am actually really proud myself I'm almost
finished week 4 and this is the longest I've ever stuck to some form of exercise programme.

On that note you might notice a change to my blogging content. I will definitely still be doing beauty and fashion posts but I want my blog to be more of an overview of my life. I'm currently going through a lifestyle overhaul and want to share it with you all. So please stick with me

Sorry again for my long absence, but I'm back baby!

S xx

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