Sunday 17 February 2013

I am living in squallor

So had a nice chill out Sunday today. Spent most of the day watching a show about hoarders who's houses were an absolute tip. I thought to myself  'How horrid, how could anyone live that way?'
When it was over I popped up to my bedroom to get my laptop and suddenly saw my bedroom properly for the first time in months.
Piles of dirty clothes that threaten to tip over at any point an crush some unsuspecting person, empty Diet Coke cans seem to be on every surface as if forming a tin army. My desk covered in revision notes some of which I'm sure are from when I was doing my GCSE's and let me tell you that wasn't exactly a month or two ago, more like six years.  I appear to collecting empty make up bottles on my dressing table and there are so many glasses, cups and dishes I probably have enough to serve a four course meal to 12 people. But most of this you can't even see as all but two of the bulbs in my spotlights have blown giving the whole room a general atmosphere of a seedy strip club.Not pretty!

Not my actual bedroom, this actually seems orderly in comparison

Now I have to say this did not just happen overnight. The past few months I have been so, so busy. I was in the middle of my final nursing placement so had a lot of work to do for that. I was working 38 hours a week on placement then a further twenty in my own work. Most nights I wasn't getting to bed until after 12 and my days off were taken up with revision, catching up with friends or sleeping. At the time laundry did not seem to be a high priority! 

But now that I have seen just how far I have fallen into chaos I have resolved to completely clear, clean and declutter my bedroom! I am no longer a lowly student but a young, professional woman and my surroundings should reflect this. Obviously before start I must go buy some new bulbs, bed clothes, laundry basket and possibly some fairy lights! Once my room is looking fabulous I may even treat you all to some pictures. I know you're dying to see where the magic happens i.e where I blog and waste my days on the internet.

Hmm I wonder if there's a competition anywhere to win a maid.

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