Wednesday, 22 May 2013

I saw the signs and it opened up my eyes

As I previously mentioned in this post I have signed up to online dating. I've so far met up two different guys and been on three dates. The first guy was nice, really dead on but neither of us made any effort to arrange a second date so it just fizzled out. I think we both knew there was no va va voom between us.
Chemistry between two people is harder to understand than the periodic table

After the date I stopped going on the dating website just carried on with my life. But after a few weeks I was sucked back in again and ended up chatting to this one guy. After a while we arranged to meet up. This time I wanted to be able to make a swift exit just in case so suggested we went for ice cream instead of a drink so I could drive. It actually turned out to be a nice little date. We had coke floats and then went for a drive. Conversation was easy and he seemed nice enough.
A week later we decided to go for a drink and this time something changed. He was a little intense talking about his cousins wedding in September we should go to. He used the word gay in a derogatory way- which really peeves me and I had a realisation that he was really similar to my ex. Now don't get me wrong my ex is decent fella but we broke up for a reason. I realised that I would always be working to change him and the little annoying aspects of his personality were already beginning to bug me. On a second date I should still have my rose tainted glasses on and be blind to his imperfections.
I like you but I wanna change everything about you

I thought once I decided to get back in the dating world it would be easy. I would meet a guy, we'd have instant chemistry and I'd think about him all the time when I'm not with and when I am with him he'd be perfect. Really is that too much to ask?!?

So like a boomerang I went back to the dating site. Yet again got chatting to a guy and we arranged a date. In fact we were meant to go out last night but yesterday he texted me to say he couldn't make it and could we rearrange it until next week. I played it cool and said 'Of course no problem,' but I was kinda annoyed. I was tempted to just leave it.  This was beginning to become too much hard work. I was sick of constantly getting my hopes up, just to actually meet the person and have them dashed. Finding a guy shouldn't be this much hard work.

So in my depressed state I ordered big, greasy takeway and bought some chocolate. Which brings me on to the meaning of this blog post title. I'm not sure if everywhere has this but Coke has started doing these personalised bottles. They say things like 'Share a Coke with Rebecca,' or 'Share a Coke with Andrew'

You have an Aoife but no Shona, get it sorted Coke!

Anyway with my take away I ordered a bottle of coke and the name on it was the name of the guy I was meant to meet and close to giving up on. Coincidence? Probably, but it's not like his name is Andrew or Chris. It quite an Irish name with the Irish spelling.

So the question is do you believe in signs? I guess it's the eternal optimist in me but I have decided I do. I'm going to meet this guy next week. But even if it doesn't work out I'm going to delete my profile on the dating website. It's strangely addictive and it quite draining having to make conversation over and over. I guess if this date is a bust I'll just have to go back to being contently single and just wait for the right guy to stumble into my life. 

Live in hope my friends
S x

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Gotta work this out

So after many years of being a lazy student I have decided it's time to move my ass and start getting fit. At first I thought I would just walk my dog every evening but then I couldn't find my iPod so that didn't happen. So last night I decided to just bite the bullet and join a local gym. First task was to find a work out outfit that didn't a) make me look slutty or b) make me look like a forty year old woman. After many attempts I finally settled on a look so that killed about an hour.
I could definitely rock the leggings and legwarmers look

Next I had to pack my gym bag. I remember when I was younger I used to go swimming every Friday night and all I brought with me was my togs wrapped in a towel. Nowadays it takes more time packing my gym stuff than packing for a weekend away. I've got my towels, swimmers, googles, shampoo, conditioner, straighteners, make up and so on. So that killed about another 30 minutes. By this stage I was wrecked and ready for a nap but I decided to fight through the fatigue and got in the car to go the gym.

Before I reached my destination I had to go and buy a sports bra, obviously! Got two for £12 at Sports Direct- bargain. Finally I was standing at the lifts ready to go up when I spied a little koisk doing eyebrow threading for £7. Last time I got my eyebrows threaded it was £14 so this was too good an opportunity to miss.
Twenty excruciating minutes later I was finally ready to go get my sweat on and join this blooming gym. Got to reception, signed the contact and realised I forgot to bring my debit card with me.
Aw well just have to do it all over again tomorrow.

S xx

PS What do you all think of my fab new layout.?My mum told me about a site called where people can do a whole load of different things for $5 (about £4). So I signed up and the user friendlier created this little gem. I think it's pure beaut.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Sad, sad times

I am an absolute eejit! I've broken my laptop again. It was plugged in, sitting on top of my duvet when I, in a mad panic to find my phone, hoisted my duvet up in air and sent my laptop flying! Now the charger won't fit in to the wee hole thingy.
So I may be absent for a while. I'm bringing it to laptop hospital hospital tomorrow hoping they can do emergency surgery. It may take a while though. So, for now fair companions, farewell! I'm off to read a book or whatever it was they did before they had internet access
S x

Edit: So it turns out I was actually trying to use the charger for my mum's laptop which doesn't fit into mine. Let's just say I had a very embarrassing trip to PC World. On the plus side I shall be back soon with a new post, i went shopping yesterday and want to share some of my purchases.